Anderson YouTube Link
Welcome to the official YouTube channel for Anderson Cooper's daytime talk show, "Anderson Live." Find out when "Anderson Live" is on in your area: A Note to Fans: "Anderson Live" loves your input! We encourage healthy debate, ongoing discussion and constructive criticisms, but please know that we will not tolerate profanity, personal attacks or any other comments that take away from the supportive community "Anderson Live" represents. Before you post a comment, take a step back and make sure you're being respectful of others and their point of view. While we respect everyone's opinion, we may remove posts that we feel are off topic or inappropriate for this page.
Estimated Monthly Earnings
$23.4 - $374.2
YouTube ID
Youtube Account Stats Summary ( LAST 15 ENTRIES )
Date Subscribers Views Videos Estimated Earning
2024-03-23 Sat 116,000 - 119,416,622 - 2,503 -
2024-03-27 Wed 116,000 - 119,429,743 +13121 2,503 - $3.3 - $52.5
2024-03-29 Fri 116,000 - 119,436,595 +6852 2,503 - $1.7 - $27.4
2024-03-30 Sat 116,000 - 119,439,802 +3207 2,503 - $0.8 - $12.8
2024-04-01 Mon 116,000 - 119,447,682 +7880 2,503 - $2 - $31.5
2024-04-04 Thu 116,000 - 119,457,589 +9907 2,503 - $2.5 - $39.6
2024-04-06 Sat 116,000 - 119,465,458 +7869 2,503 - $2 - $31.5
2024-04-09 Tue 116,000 - 119,475,747 +10289 2,503 - $2.6 - $41.2
2024-04-12 Fri 116,000 - 119,487,572 +11825 2,503 - $3 - $47.3
2024-04-15 Mon 116,000 - 119,498,915 +11343 2,503 - $2.8 - $45.4
2024-04-17 Wed 116,000 - 119,506,491 +7576 2,503 - $1.9 - $30.3
2024-04-18 Thu 116,000 - 119,510,174 +3683 2,503 - $0.9 - $14.7
Total Summary - +93552 -
Next update in 0 hours 59 minutes

See All Stats

  • 119,510,174Views
  • 116,000Subscribers
  • 2,503Videos

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