ASMR Darling VOD YouTube Link
Estimated Monthly Earnings
$1.9 - $30.9
YouTube ID
YouTube Account Projections
Time Until Date Subscribers Views Videos
Current Stats 2024-05-18 260 71,824 120
30 days 2024-06-17 260 79,834 150
60 days 2024-07-17 260 87,844 180
3 months 2024-08-16 260 95,854 210
6 months 2024-11-14 260 119,884 300
9 months 2025-02-12 260 143,914 390
1 year 2025-05-18 260 169,279 485
1 year and half 2025-11-16 260 217,873 667
2 years 2026-05-18 260 266,734 850
Based on an average of - subscribers /day +267 views /day +1 videos /day